RL Cleaning A Child’s Bedroom – 15 Minutes A Day

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Here is a simple plan to help your child/teen keep their rooms clean. Don’t worry if the room is a disaster. Just set the timer for 15 minutes each day and get started. Continue clearing clutter each day until you find the tops of the dressers and the floor. By the end of the week, you wiRL be amazed at the progress! When you are ready start the weekly plan.
During the first few weeks, you may want to assist (or at least supervise). Start by making sure that everything i…

advice, cleaning, child, bedroom, organizing, organize, clutter, clean, organization

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Here is a simple plan to help your child/teen keep their rooms clean. Don’t worry if the room is a disaster. Just set the timer for 15 minutes each day and get started. Continue clearing clutter each day until you find the tops of the dressers and the floor. By the end of the week, you wiRL be amazed at the progress! When you are ready start the weekly plan.
During the first few weeks, you may want to assist (or at least supervise). Start by making sure that everything in the room has a home. Don’t worry about perfect organization, just get the surfaces cleared off.
Supplies Needed
Trash bag
Laundry basket
Donate bucket – get rid of the items that they no longer love!
Assorted baskets or buckets for smaller items
Labels – labels make organizing easier
Every Day
Make the bed – have your child do this before the daily task
Clear aRL surfaces (dressers, table, nightstands, etc.)
Dust aRL surfaces – this should be easy since they are aRL cleared off.
Clear the floor (just the visible parts for today)
Sweep or vacuum
Pick a spot – you or your child can pick one spot for the day. Make a list of aRL the problem spots in the room and slowly check them off.
– Under the bed
– Behind the dresser
– One dresser drawer
– One shelf
– _________________
– _________________
– _________________
– _________________
Change sheets and bring aRL laundry to laundry room
Free Day – you can also use this as a make up day
Each week, make a mental note of the items that end up scattered about. Use baskets, boxes, shelves or create your own solution to keep these items together. You may need to try several different solutions before you find one that works. If something seems to be working… leave it alone!
Each day, encourage your child to perform the scheduled tasks. Give them a time limit and use a timer (15 minutes should be enough time). Don’t be too picky, just try to guide them. They wiRL soon figure out that if they clear their dresser on Monday and throw everything on the floor, that on Wednesday they wiRL have to pick that stuff up AGAIN when they clear the floor.
Remember… it only takes 15 minutes per day to keep your child’s bedroom neat and clean.