
Nursing School Schlorship-Man
y To Choose From But Very Competitive
One of the best career paths today, and a virtually recession proof one at that, is nursing. Not only is this a noble profession that can provide you with a lot of fulfillment and satisfaction, it is also a profession with a great deal of job security, no matter what the rest of the economy is doing With so many aging baby boomers reaching retirement age, that job security will only increase over the next ten or twenty years. If you need some help paying for school you owe it to yourself to check out some forms of nursing school schlorship.
For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Nursing, once thought of as an exclusively women’s field, is becoming more and more popular with men too. To encourage even more men to enter the field the American Assembly of Men In Nursing provides a nursing school schlorship for any man who is interested in entering the nursing field. The scholarship is geared exclusively to helping men obtain their Registered Nursing License.
As with all scholarships, this one too is very competitive and requires the applicant to maintain a grade point average of no less than 2.75. If the applicant falls below that level they will lose their funding. To apply for the scholarship will require many tests, interviews, transcripts and other information. It can be somewhat time consuming so you should start the application process early on.
Another very popular scholarship to enter nursing school is the one offered by the Health Resources and Services Administration. This group offers over 400 scholarships annually to any individual interested in entering into the nursing profession. The scholarship is for $1,000 and offers a position in a medical facility in the country from which you graduated. The application process kicks off in March each year and ends in May. The lucky ones who are accepted will find out in July.
Again, this scholarship is based on academic excellence and if the recipient ever fails to maintain the minimum standard they will lose their scholarship privileges.
There are many other sources of funding for an education in nursing. All you need to do is spend some time searching online. Once you’ve compiled a list of any of those that you are qualified for, I recommend applying to many, you can begin the application process. It is a numbers game so the more you apply for, the higher the likelihood you will receive at least one.
Just make sure that before you actually apply that you carefully read over the requirements for that particular scholarship. You don’t want to waste your time applying to scholarships for which you really aren’t qualified, you won’t get it anyway and you are just taking time away from those that you may actually have a chance at getting.
A nursing career can be enormously fulfilling, but the process to find a
nursing school schlorship isn’t always the most enjoyable. just make sure you start early and apply for as many as possible to increase your odds of getting at least one.